





Entries from April 1, 2020 - April 30, 2020


Plant Vogtle confirms 130 employees tested positive for COVID-19

As reported by WRDW.

Vogtle Units 1 & 2, in Burke County, GA, are operational. Vogtle Units 3 & 4 are under construction.


ACT NOW! Stop Japan from dumping radioactive water! 

SIGN the petition to the Government of Japan demanding that contaminated water be stored on land and solidified rather than being dumped into the Pacific Ocean.     
The Japanese government intends to release 1.2 million cubic meters of water contaminated with radioiodine, radiocesium, radiostrontium and tritium into the ocean. This water, which exceeds emission concentration standards, has been accumulating since the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdowns and explosions in 2011. Yet more contaminated water will likely be dumped from the ruined reactor sites in the future. 
Japan civil society groups and Fukushima fishing unions are strongly opposed to ocean discharge. For the fishing industry, this is a matter of life and death. You can sign the organization or individual petition. This petition is sponsored by Citizens' Nuclear Information Center, No Nukes Asia Forum Japan and Friends of the Earth Japan.

Breaking News: NRC Commissioners unanimously rule against Beyond Nuclear's appeal in Holtec CISF licensing proceeding

Breaking News

At 11am Eastern today, the NRC Commissioners held an affirmation session re: appeals in the Holtec CISF (irradiated nuclear fuel Consolidated Interim Storage Facility) licensing proceeding. The associated 60-page MEMORANDUM AND ORDER (including rulings), just released a few hours ago, includes a unanimous rejection of Beyond Nuclear's appeal of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board rejection of our legal challenge against the CISF's illegality, its violation of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as Amended. (See MEMORANDUM AND ORDER, Section B, pages 4-8.)

Beyond Nuclear and its legal counsel, Diane Curran of Washington, D.C., and Mindy Goldstein of Atlanta, GA, are reviewing the ruling, in order to determine next steps.

Similarly, our allies opposed to Holtec's CISF (including Sierra Club, Don't Waste MI et al. -- a seven-group national environmental coalition, Alliance for Environmental Strategies, and Fasken Oil and Gas), are also reviewing the NRC Commissioners' ruling, in order to determine next steps.



Speak out against Mobile Chernobyls in your community! Sample script for contacting your Members of Congress to urge they demand public comment meetings in your state/district re: NRC Draft EIS on Holtec's nuke waste Consolidated Interim Storage Facility

Please help us secure more in-person public comment meetings, by urging both your U.S. Senators, and your U.S. Representative, to demand one from NRC in your state/congressional district, once safe to do so. At the same time, urge your Congress Members to demand NRC keep the public comment period open indefinitely, and to only start the 199-day public countdown clock once the pandemic emergency is over, and in-person public comment meetings are once again safe to hold.

You can call your U.S. Congress Members' D.C. offices via the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. You can also email, webform, fax, and/or snail mail your request to your Congress Members' D.C. and/or in-state/district offices (see links below). Here is a sample script you can use as is, or feel free to edit it:

"Dear Senator/Representative X, please contact NRC [U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission] and demand that a Holtec CISF DEIS [Consolidated Interim Storage Facility Draft Environmental Impact Statement] public comment meeting be held in our state/district, once safe to do so. Also demand that the public comment period be kept open indefinitely, and that a 199-day public comment period countdown clock commence only after it is safe to once again hold in-person public comment meetings. Given the high risks of high-level radioactive waste trains, trucks, and barges, and the fact that Holtec's CISF would ship and store 2.5 times the High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLRW) volume as the Yucca Mountain dump scheme in Nevada, targeted at Western Shoshone land (173,600 metric tons, versus 70,000 MT), it is only proper that NRC hold an equal number of meetings along transport routes, and an equally long comment period, as did DOE [U.S. Department of Energy] on Yucca 20 years ago. As it stands, NRC's still too short 120-day comment period ends on July 21st, and only five meetings would be held, all in the unwilling 'host state' of New Mexico. Given the accident and attack risks of Mobile Chernobyls, Dirty Bombs on Wheels, and Floating Fukushimas, and even the 'incident-free' Mobile X-ray Machines That Can't Be Turned Off risks of 'routine' shipments, adequate time, and numbers of meetings across the U.S., for public comment, are vitally needed. And given the environmental justice burden that high-level radioactive waste shipments would represent -- as attested to by none other than Mustafa Ali, former head of EJ at US EPA, on Democracy Now! last September -- public comment meetings must be held in transport corridor communities nationwide, including in our state. Please demand this of NRC, on behalf of your constituents."

Please spread the word! Working together, we can win the two-dozen, in-person public comment meetings, in a dozen states outside NM, that we are due, based on the hard-won DOE/Yucca precedent set 20 years ago! Congressional demands, per above, will make all the difference! Thank you for taking action!


First of two Indian Point reactors closes April 30

A long, hard-fought victory for all who have campaigned for many years to close Indian Point! Watch this video -- aptly called Beyond Indian Point -- about the closure, and what's next for New York. And read more about the Beyond Indian Point campaign.

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