





Entries from August 1, 2016 - August 31, 2016


Montreal Declaration for a Nuclear-Fission-Free World caps week-long anti-nuke theme at World Social Forum in Quebec, Canada

The Second Thematic World Social Forum for a Nuclear-Free World took place in Montreal from August 8 to 14 (the First was held in Fukushima and Tokyo, Japan last April). The Montreal Declaration for a Nuclear-Fission-Free World already has 168 organizational endorsers, and is open to more if you'd like to sign your group on. The week of anti-nuclear weapons and power activism addressed each stage of the uranium fuel chain, from mining to radioactive waste dumping. It included international networking and strategizing, an anti-nuke contingent in the World Social Forum kick off rally and march, and a dozen workshop sessions. More


Public Citizen, D.C. SUN Urge Court to Block Exelon Takeover of Pepco

Sept. 17, 2015 PowerDC rally in Washington, DC, opposing Exelon Nuclear's takeover of Pepco. The hand-signed banner was delivered, en mass, to DC Mayor Muriel Bowser's office.WASHINGTON, D.C. – Public Citizen and D.C. Solar United Neighborhoods (DC SUN) today are filing a court challenge to the D.C. Public Service Commission’s (PSC) decision to approve Exelon’s takeover of Pepco. The groups believe the merger is not in the public interest, and the petition being filed today is the first step in asking the D.C. Court of Appeals, the district’s highest court, to block the merger.

The $7 billion merger will lead to higher electricity rates and stymie the District’s efforts to shift to renewable energy, the groups maintain. The PSC on June 17 rejected requests by Public Citizen and other groups to reconsider its decision to allow the merger. Since then, Pepco has asked for an $85.5 million rate increase.



Kamps' prepared statement for press conference re: highly radioactive liquid waste truck shipments from Canada to U.S.A.

Ottawa Citizen map showing one of the more likely shipping routes from Chalk River, ON to SRS, SC for highly radioactive liquid waste truck shipments. (See larger sized map linked at end of entry.)Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste Watchdog, delivered a statement to members of the news media on a press conference call sponsored by NIRS. An environmental coalition, including Beyond Nuclear, has filed a lawsuit seeking to block up to 150 unprecedented truck shipments of highly radioactive liquid wastes, from Chalk River Nuclear Labs in Ontario, Canada through multiple states, to Savannah River Site nuclear weapons and radioactive waste complex in Aiken, South Carolina, U.S.A.

See the press release and invitation to a NIRS-hosted press tele-briefing here. (The audio recording from the tele-briefing is available online. See below in the Update.*)

See the environmental coalition's lawsuit (Complaint), and associated exhibits, here.

See additional background documents here.

(Full size, legible route map -- see above left -- linked here.)


Coalition of environmental groups weigh in on DOE's "Consent-Based Siting" for radioactive waste dumps

Environmental coalition members from the Crabshell Alliance, Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Campaign, NIRS, PSR, NEIS, and Public Citizen "just say NO!" at the NRC HQ nuke waste con game public comment meeting on 11/14/13 in Rockville, MD. Photo credit David Martin and Erica Grey.Thanks to everyone who responded to our action alerts, and helped achieve a large number of quality comments by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) July 31st deadline! Check out the comments submitted by such groups as Fairewinds, NRDC, NIRS, Public Citizen, and grassroots groups across the country, in addition to Beyond Nuclear's. More.


Ratepayers forced to fund 12 more years of radioactive Russian roulette on Great Lakes shores

Thanks to everyone who took action in response to our alerts in recent weeks. But unfortunately, as reported by investigative journalist and Beyond Nuclear board member Karl Grossman, despite a groundswell of opposition, on August 1st Governor Andrew Cuomo's (D-NY) New York Public Service Commission (PSC) rubber-stamped a rushed $7.6 billion bailout, at ratepayer expense. The 2017-2029 bailout will help Exelon Nuclear prop up four dirty, dangerously age-degraded, and uncompetitive atomic reactors (FitzPatrick, Ginna, Nine Mile Point 1 & 2) on the Great Lakes shore of upstate NY, that would (and should) otherwise permanently shut down. (Lake Ontario serves as the drinking water supply for nine million Americans, Canadians, and members of Native American First Nations.) The resistance included: over 100 environmental groups; dozens of elected officials; major manufacturers and businesses such as Alcoa, Corning, Praxair, and Wegmans Food Markets; the City of NY; and such pro-renewable luminaries and climate leaders as Mark Jacobson of Stanford. 15,000 public comments opposed the nuclear bailout, four times more people than supported them. Old atomic reactors could now gobble up two-thirds of the "Clean Energy Standard" funding, that should instead go towards expanding genuinely clean, safe, and affordable efficiency and renewables, such as wind and solar. Cuomo's PSC has even left open the door for Entergy's Indian Point 2 & 3, dangerously close to New York City, to exploit the subsidy scheme, as well: the nuclear bailout would then top $10 billion. Nuclear industry lobbyists will now try to apply NY's precedent in multiple states (CT, MD, NJ, OH, PA, etc.), to prop up failing reactors across the U.S. The next big battle against this ripoff of ratepayers, and radioactive Russian roulette risk-taking, will likely be in IL, where Exelon is headquartered. The company seeks $1.6 billion from ratepayers, in order to reverse its decision to close Clinton in 2017, and Quad Cities 1 & 2 in 2018. Nuclear Energy Information Service of Chicago has led the resistance to this bailout for years. More.