





Entries from March 1, 2013 - March 31, 2013


UK government plunges into EPR nuclear quagmire

The UK has chosen to throw itself into the French nuclear quagmire masterminded by EDF. The UK government has given planning permission to EDF to build two boondoggle EPR reactors in Somerset. The Hinkley site has been given planning permission when no long-term solution exists for the radioactive waste these new nuclear reactors will generate - which contradicts the UK position on new reactor build. Beyond Nuclear's Linda and Paul Gunter will be in Somerset with the Stop Hinkley coalition at the beginning of April for strategy meetings and public presentations. We will also be in Suffolk where two more EPRs are in the pipeline for the Sizewell nuclear site.


Blackout at Fukushima - continued peril at stricken nuclear plant

The Associated Press reports: "The operator of Japan's tsunami-damaged nuclear plant says a power failure has left three fuel storage pools without fresh cooling water for hours. Tokyo Electric Power Co. says the blackout Monday night at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant was brief at its command centre but continued for hours at three of the seven fuel storage pools and a few other facilities. TEPCO says the reactors were unaffected, and it plans to restore power to the pool cooling systems as soon as it determines the cause. It says the nuclear fuel stored in the pools will remain safe for at least four days without fresh cooling water. The March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami destroyed the plant's power and cooling systems, causing three reactor cores to melt and fuel storage pools to overheat. The plant is now using makeshift systems."


US solar installations grew by 76% in 2012

Solar panel installations last year rose by 76 percent in the United States compared with 2011, and the cost of the associated equipment continued to drop, according to an annual report by a solar trade group.

The panels installed last year are capable of generating 3,313 megawatts of peak electricity, according to the report from the Solar Energy Industries Association. That electricity is about the same amount produced by a medium-sized coal plant and is enough to supply 400,000 U.S. homes.

Abundant financing programs and a 27 percent drop last year in the average cost of solar panel systems helped spur the growth.

The solar industry expects installations will continue rising in 2013, but at a slower pace. SEIA and GTM Research predict installations will rise 29 percent to 4,300 MW this year.

Solar energy accounts for 0.1 percent of the nation's total electric power generation, according to the Energy Department (Jonathan Fahey, AP/Albany Times Union, March 14)


Kaori Izumi: an unforgettable force and a tragic loss

We have lost one of the precious ones. We learned today of the passing of Kaori Izumi. Kaori came to the US in September 2011 on a speaking tour. We were with her in Washington, DC, New York City and at Indian Point. Her courage, energy and passion inspired us all. She led the campaign to Shut the Tomari nuclear plant in Hokkaido, but she did so much more. She was determined to tell the world the truth about Fukushima and to urge the world to stop the nuclear madness right away and to shut down nuclear plants. We will miss her. But we must carry on her work. (Pictured below: Kaori speaks at a press conference at Indian Point; gathers with Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition activists; and protests outside the UN in New York).



Navy vets speak out about radiation exposure from Fukushima

As aired on CBS-TV. U.S. Navy veterans Jaime Plym and Maurice Enis are part of a growing group of sailors who blame the Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown for making them sick.

In March 2011, Plym and Enis were among the 5,000 sailors on board the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, both quartermasters whose job was to plot their ship's course.

Immediately after a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, wiping out villages, killing tens of thousands of people, and damaging the coastal power plant, the navy diverted their ship from South Korea to Japan to provide aid. It was called Operation Tomodachi, the Japanese word for friend. More.