Disastrous defense authorization bill pending in House
Writes John Tierney, executive director of the Council for a Livable World, the the defense authorization bill soon under consideration in the U.S. House is a disaster for safety, security and the economy. Worse yet, "The Chairman of the House of Armed Services Committee is proposing a $705 billion Pentagon budget, at least $75 billion more than President Reagan’s peak defense spending in adjusted dollars. This represents a massive increase of wasteful spending that can only be described as shameful." The Council noted of the bill:
It carelessly restricts funding or undermines the goals for vital arms control treaties that make us safer, like New START, the Open Skies Treaty, and the INF Treaty.
It disgracefully limits the dismantlement of nuclear weapons that have already been retired.
It blindly adds new systems for a $40 billion unproven missile defense program.