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Most if not all new UK nuclear plants will never happen

A former investor in nuclear power plants predicts that every planned new UK nuclear power plant will get canceled except Hinkley C and even that one is hanging by a thread. In a Reuters article that appeared in the New York Times on June 19, Alistair Phillips-Davies, chief executive officer of energy supplier SSE, said he thought other companies, including Hitachi which plans to build two reactors in Wales, would likley back away now that Toshiba's nuclear division, Westinghouse, has gone bankrupt. And Hinkley, which is a French-designed EPR, rests its fate on the troubled EPR under construction at Flamanville in France, which is not only years behind and billions over budget but likely has a fatally flawed reactor pressure vessel. The reactor containment was forged at the now scandal-ridden Le Creusot forge owned by Areva and which is at the center of controversy around quality control fabrications and flawed safety-related components. More