Help protect St.Louis drinking water!
A campaign is underway to petition elected officials in Missouri to protect the St. Louis drinking water threatened by the nuclear weapons wastes dumped in the West Lake Landfill. Please download and print the new palm card (here in triplicate for easy reproduction) and help spread the word. Palm Card text follows.
The radioactive wastes at West Lake Landfill threaten drinking water. These nuclear weapons wastes are contaminating the groundwater in the floodplain of the Missouri River — the water that many of us drink.
These radioactive wastes threaten our health. Exposure to radiation can cause birth defects, cancer, and genetic mutations. West Lake wastes contain some of the most dangerous materials on Earth.
These wastes must be removed. They will continue to release radioactive particles and rays virtually forever. Heavy rain, a flood, or a fire could increase the spread of the wastes. Unless removed, these wastes also threaten the economic health of our St. Louis region.