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TEPCO pumps nitrogen gas into Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1 to prevent hydrogen explosion

Reuters reports that Tepco has been pumping gaseous nitrogen into Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1 reactor to prevent a repeat of the massive hydrogen detonation over three weeks ago that destroyed the secondary containment building, and may also have damaged other vital safety structures. Meanwhile, the UN Scientific (sic) Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) continues to downplay the health risks associated with the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe's large-scale radioactivity releases into the environment. Asked what health risks he expected from Fukushima, Wolfgang Weiss, chairman of UNSCEAR, said, incredibly: "From what I know now, nothing, because levels are so low." One of UNSCEAR's shameful "tricks" when it comes to dismissing radioactivity's health risks is to ignore internal doses from inhaled or ingested radioactive contaminants, which would deliver the motherlode of health damage after a catastrophe like Fukushima. UNSCEAR has pulled the same trick in the past to cover up the truth about Chernobyl's health impacts.