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Beyond Nuclear press release - Mother Nature sends a warning

Beyond Nuclear today issued a press release that warned regulators and the White House not to ignore the warnings from Mother Nature and to act quickly to begin a nuclear phaseout. The press release began: A 5.9 magnitude earthquake that was felt up and down the US east coast was centered in Mineral, Virginia, home to the two-reactor North Anna nuclear power plant operated by Dominion Energy.  North Anna sits just 90 miles south of Washington, DC. The plant automatically shut down following a loss of offsite power, but electricity is still needed to cool the reactor core and fuel pools.

"Once again, Mother Nature is warning us that nuclear power is the most brittle of electrical power systems," said Paul Gunter, director of Reactor Oversight for Beyond Nuclear. "In times of national crisis or natural disaster, nuclear power becomes more of a liability than an asset," he said.

Read the rest of the press release here.