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Nuclear Restart Generates Power, Protest in Japan

...Building on their Friday night momentum, protestors on Monday staged their largest rally yet, with tens of thousands of people congregating at Yoyogi Park, and then marching in three groups through the capital.

This rare display of public discontent by the Japanese, bringing together citizens from all walks of life, shows no signs of waning...

..."Never in my 39 years of my life have I ever tried to voice my views out loud like this," said Hitoshi Iwata, a Tokyo office worker who took to the streets after learning of the event through social media. "I expected the Fukushima case would turn society away from nuclear power," he said. "But when things started to move on the contrary, the sense of disappointment was so strong I felt a compelling need to voice my protest." National Geographic

And this, from Tokyo Reuters:

Nuclear issue puts increasing pressure on Japan government

Japan's government came under fire on Tuesday over its handling of public hearings on nuclear energy policy, threatening to dent already sagging support for the ruling party ahead of an election many expect to be this year.

The latest furor follows Monday's massive rally in Tokyo against nuclear power in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, an issue now so contentious that lawmakers and analysts say it could trump taxes as the focus of lower house elections, which must be held by September 2013 but could come sooner.