Entergy's Palisades leaks 79 gallons of radioactive water into Lake Michigan, forced to shut down
Entergy's Palisades atomic reactor on the Lake Michigan shore in southwest MIAs reported by the Holland Sentinel, Entergy's Palisades atomic reactor has yet again sprung a leak, this time spilling 79 gallons of supposedly "very slightly radioactive water" into Lake Michigan, the headwaters of 20% of the world's surface fresh water, and drinking water for 40 million people downstream.
[Update: In mid-May, 2013, at an "open house" hosted by Entergy Nuclear at the Beach Haven Event Center in South Haven, MI, Entergy's radiological monitors admitted that the quantity of radioactive water spilled into Lake Michigan was actually 82.1 gallons, not 79 gallons as reported in the press.]
Entergy and NRC spokespersons' repeated claims of no safety significance to the public flies in the face of decades of findings, as by the National Academy of Science (most recently in 2005), that any exposure to radioactivity, no matter how small, carries a health risk of cancer, and that these health risks accumulate over a lifetime.
More historical background on this two-year-old leak in this 46-year-old aluminum tank at Palisades, as well as media coverage on this latest leak in the Lake, and updates, are posted at Beyond Nuclear's Nuclear Power website section.

Kevin Hurley, host of the Fairewinds Energy Education pod cast, and Fairewinds Associates, Inc's Chief Nuclear Engineer, Arnie Gundersen, invited Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps onto their May 8th episode, entitled "Nuclear Regulators Stick Their Heads in the Sand," to discuss the latest leak (of 80 gallons of radioactive water into Lake Michigan) at Entergy's problem-plagued Palisades atomic reactor (see first half of broadcast).