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Beyond Nuclear at 25th anniversary Midwest Renewable Energy Association Fair

Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps (back to camera), NIRS executive director Tim Judson (seated), and Nukewatch Wisconsin's John LaForge present at the annual "Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer" workshop session at the MREA Fair. Photo by Dave Kraft, NEIS exective director.Beyond Nuclear continued its annual tradition of info. tabling and workshop presenting at the MREA Summer Solstice long weekend festival in central Wisconsin from June 20 to 22, at the event's 25th annual gathering. The event is billed as among the biggest of its kind in the country, with an estimated 18,000 attendees this year.

Beyond Nuclear's Radioactive Waste Watchdog, Kevin Kamps, shared the stage with Nukewatch Wisconsin's John LaForge and Nuclear Information and Resource Service's Tim Judson (photo left) at the annual "Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer" workshop session. The workshop was named after the book by Helen Caldicott, who keynoted the entire festival in 2007. Kevin focused on why nuclear power cannot solve the climate crisis, citing IEER's excellent 2006 book Insurmountable Risks. Tim focused on the "Nuclear Attack on Renewables," and the fission industry's latest money grabs, to keep uncompetive old reactors afloat at public expense, as in IL.

Nukewatch WI also presented a workshop on "Getting Ready for Non-Violence," led by John, as well as Bonnie Urfer.

Beyond Nuclear's info. table -- shared with Nukewatch WI -- featured all of our pamphlets, as well as sharp stickers and maps, produced by New York City-based anti-nuke artist/activist Yuko Tonohira, copies of Stephanie Cooke's In Mortal Hands: A Cautionary History of the Nuclear Age, action alerts, etc. NIRS and NEIS (Chicago-based Nuclear Energy Information Service) also shared an info. table.