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Nuclear fiddling while the planet burns

Our Counterpunch column is a warning that our money will be squandered on pipe dreams and pipelines. The nuclear pipedream has gone on for decades and still there are NO Gen IV or Small Modular Reactors out there. We must act now on climate change and redirect funding to renewables.

"There is a climate crisis upon us. Polar ice is melting. Sea level rise is happening. Time is running out. Emergency solutions are the only option — energy supplies that can come on fast and sustainably.

Sadly, some in the U.S. Congress would rather bury their heads in radioactive quicksand, sinking our money into nuclear energy research at national laboratories that have sought but failed to find illusory atomic answers for decades.

The House and Senate are re-introducing near identical versions of the “Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act of 2017,” which promises to throw our money down the nuclear rabbit hole rather than direct major funding to renewable energy solutions that are already addressing climate change quickly and effectively but should be supported and accelerated before it’s too late."

Read the full opinion column.