Six years after Fukushima began, “normalizing” radiation exposure risks the health of women and children; evacuees are given few options but to return to contamination
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 8, 2017 (International Women’s Day)
CONTACT: Cindy Folkers, Beyond Nuclear, 240.354.4314
Six years after Fukushima began, “normalizing” radiation exposure risks the health of women and children
Evacuees are given few options but to return to contamination
TAKOMA PARK, MD- Six years after the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe began, Japan is lifting evacuation orders in a narrow radius around the ruined reactors, and removing compensation for evacuees. These evacuees will be moving back to towns that are still contaminated with hazardous radioactivity that can reach 20 times the internationally recommended level for human exposure. Even at the recommended level, most people would end up doubling the annual dose that they normally receive from unavoidable natural background.
Radiation is associated with disease, even at low levels. Females, children and pregnancy are especially vulnerable to radiation damage, but many of these sensitivities are unaccounted for in international recommendations. Despite these unique vulnerabilities, and lack of protection for them, women and children are often accused of “radiophobia”, characterized by nuclear proponents as an irrational fear of radiation exposure—a point highlighted in a recent article in Counterpunch by Beyond Nuclear’s Radiation and Health Hazard Specialist, Cindy Folkers. More.

Also see the blog by Kendra Ulrich of Greenpeace Japan, as well as the video of some of the women fighting for compensation (please like and share it!).