Alliance for Nuclear Accountability awards heroes
The Alliance for Nuclear Acccountability held its 30th Anniversary Congressional Awards gala on May 22, during it annual lobbying effort on Capitol Hill known as DC Days. In front of a packed room in the Rayburn House Office Building, awards were presented to five individuals for their steadfast service to the cause of ridding the world of nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Senator Ed Markey received awards for their years of legistlative efforts. Georgia WAND's Diane Valentin was the Bill Mitchell Grassroots Activist winner, named after ANA's founding director who passed away on May 25, 2016. Susan Gordon, who was ANA's executive director for 17 years, before becoming the coordinator of the Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment, was recognized for her lifetime of work. And Beyond Nuclear presented its Dr. Judith Johnsrud Unsung Hero Award to Toledo, OH laywer, Terry Lodge, who has fought many cases on behalf of the anti-nuclear community. Rick Wayman of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (not pictured) wrapped up the proceedings with a look ahead at the challenges to come. More.