U.S. Senate confirms pro-nuclear commissioners to NRC
On May 24, the U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed Annie Caputo (pictured) and David Wright as commissioners to serve five-year terms on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Beyond Nuclear had advocated against seating the two Republicans. As documented by Beyond Nuclear’s Paul Gunter, Caputo worked as the congressional affairs executive manager for Exelon Corporation, now the largest nuclear power corporation in the U.S., from 1998 to 2005. She has also served as Senior Policy Advisor for leading nuclear power proponent, Oklahoma Republican Senator Jim Inhofe from 2009 to 2012 (Inhofe is also the Senate's most notorious climate denier).
David Wright, is a former commissioner and chairman of the South Carolina Public Service Commission (SC PSC, 2004-2013), and another leading advocate for nuclear power/radioactive waste generation, and for getting the proposed but still canceled Yucca Mountain high-level waste dump back on the table.
Commissioner Kristine Svinicki, the third Republican on the Commission, is also an advocate of the Yucca Mountain, Nevada radioactive waste dump and promoted it while working at the U.S. Department of Energy. The remaining Commissioners are Jeff Baran, a Democrat whose term was renewed, and Stephen Burns, an independent. The nuclear industry can now count on a majority vote in its favor every time, with three of its own occupying Commission seats.