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UN summit on nuclear disarmament in jeopardy

In less then two months the United Nations General Assembly will decide whether to hold the UN High-Level Conference (Summit) on Nuclear Disarmament, which has been planned for five years, or to yield to the pressure from pro-nuclear forces and cancel the event. The Basel Peace Office and Unfold Zero urge you join them in ensuring the Summit goes ahead.

Among other things, a nuclear disarmament summit could:

  • Put pressure on additional governments to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;
  • Encourage nuclear armed and allied States to adopt policies to never use nuclear weapons first;
  • Support the peace and disarmament process in North East Asia;
  • Protect the Iran deal, which the US has left despite it being the best way to ensure Iran does not aquire nuclear weapons;
  • Encourage nuclear armed States to announce the next cuts in their nuclear stockpiles, and agree to a framework to achieve zero nuclear weapons

Read the full article and sign the petition!