FPL pushback on their harm to sea turtles called out by TC Palm
A good, indepth article in TC Palm, coming off our notice of intent to sue over failure to protect sea turtles at the St. Lucie nuclear plant (see next story below), challenged plant owner FPL's claim that "The vast majority of the wildlife comes in healthy and leaves healthy and uninjured." Reporter, Tyler Treadway, immediately pointed out:
"But the TCPalm investigation quoted a Nuclear Regulatory Commission document that in 2014, 85 percent of turtles removed from the canal 'were observed with fresh cuts and scrapes that may have been incurred during transit through the intake pipes.'"
The TC Palm has done good investigative work on the sea turtle problem at St. Lucie already, pointing out that their own research found that "from 2001 to 2016, the plant was responsible for 70 deaths, 0.8 percent of the 8,832 turtles sucked in, according to reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act."