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SMR webinar presentations and video 

More than 300 people were in the audience for Beyond Nuclear’s October 21 webinar on small modular reactors, hosted jointly with the Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick and the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA). CELA Lawyer, Kerrie Blaise and physicists Dr. Edwin Lyman, Union of Concerned Scientists; and Prof. M.V. Ramana, University of British Columbia were the featured speakers. The three showed why SMRS are not needed and are not economical, safe or proliferation proof. During the Q&A period we also heard from Canadian nuclear expert Dr. Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibiity. The webinar was recorded and is available on YouTube. We will update this entry with a link once the video is live. You may also download the speakers power point slides:

Kerrie Blaise slides

Edwin Lyman slides

M.V. Ramana slides 

Additional information on SMRs can be found in the Publications section of this website under “Pamphlets” and “Fact Sheets.” There are also several articles about SMRs on the Beyond Nuclear International website (put “small modular reactor” into the search window).

Watch the video: