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ANTI-NUKE VICTORIES IN OHIO! Pro-nuke legislation thwarted for now

The flag of Ohio, superimposed on a map of the state.House Bill 104, the "ANTHEM Act" ("Advanced Nuclear Technology Helping Energize Mankind"), appears to have been stopped -- for now -- in the Ohio state legislature's lame duck session, according to Patricia Marida of the Ohio Sierra Club Nuclear-Free Committee in Columbus, and anti-nuke attorney Terry Lodge in Toledo. HB 104 would launch thorium fuel chain, Small Modular Reactor, and reprocessing facilities, at taxpayer expense, with no accountability.

And a judge has, at least temporarily, suspended HB 6's $1.3 billion old nuke/coal bailout, allegedly secured by a $61 million bribe. Vigilance will be needed in the new year, including against a license extension at the age-degraded Perry atomic reactor on Lake Erie's shore, northeast of Cleveland. READ MORE.