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Nuclear Hotseat #462: New Mexico Nuclear Garbage Dump Approved by NRC Behind Covid Smokescreen

Beyond Nuclear's radioactive waste specialist, Kevin Kamps, was hosted by Libbe HaLevy for an extended interview on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's sudden, astonishing rejection of appeals opposing the Holtec International/Eddy-Lea [Counties] Energy Alliance consolidated interim storage facility. Holtec is targeting largely Hispanic communities in southeastern New Mexico with the largest proposed high-level radioactive waste dump on Earth.

Kevin's interview begins at the 9 minute 13 second mark, and ends at the 39 minute 59 second mark. But the rest of the show rocks as well, including another featured interview with Bruce Gagnon of Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.

Listen to the audio recording, and find additional links for more information, here.

[And see Beyond Nuclear's press release about the NRC ruling, including our vow to fight on by appealing to the federal courts, here.]