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Space Force is a dangerous shift toward weaponizing space: New Beyond Nuclear handbook

Beyond Nuclear today published its newest handbook -- The U.S. Space Force and the dangers of nuclear power and nuclear was in space -- the latest in its series, The Case Against Nuclear Power: Facts and Arguments from A-Z.

Beyond Nuclear also put out a press release, decrying the alarming shift toward an offensive stance in space, a clear component of the Space Force agenda which has been described as intended to secure "space dominance" for the US. The White House has referred to space as a "war-fighting domain." The press repease begins:

The U.S. Space force is a dangerous and exorbitantly expensive development that could lead to war in space while decimating peace and resources on Earth and should be unilaterally opposed, said Beyond Nuclear in a statement today.

“Despite the excitement of the recent manned SpaceX launch, and the new Netflix series spoofing the Space Force, the real thing is deadly serious and extremely alarming,” said Beyond Nuclear board member, Karl Grossman, the primary author of the new Beyond Nuclear publication, The U.S. Space Force and the dangers of nuclear power and nuclear was in space, published today.

“The rhetoric surrounding the Space Force and its goal of ‘American dominance in space,’ signals an ominous return to a Cold War mentality,” Grossman said. “In describing space as a ‘warfighting domain’, it’s clear that Trump’s creation of a Space Force increases the likelihood of war in space,” Grossman said.

Weapons in space have historically been justified as necessary for “defensive” purposes. But that all changed on May 15, 2020 when Trump, while unveiling the Space Force flag, declared: “Space is going to be…the future, both in terms of defense and offense.”

And while Trump and the military have tried to justify the Space Force by alleging that China and Russia have been moving into space militarily, the new Beyond Nuclear booklet reveals that the US is the greater aggressor. Read the full press release.