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Our statement on Black Lives Matter

Systemic racism in the nuclear industrial complex has endured for decades. Native Americans mined uranium without protection. The Nevada atomic tests irradiated downwinders, many of them minorities. Atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, not Germany. The US viewed the Marshall Islanders, on whom it “tested” its atomic bombs, as “more like us than mice.”

Hispanic communities are targeted for nuclear waste dumps, while Yucca Mountain, the lone choice for a high-level radioactive waste repository, is on Western Shoshone land. New reactors in Georgia were opposed by a majority black population suffering the health consequences of reactors already there. We stand in solidarity with all of them, and will continue to work on their behalf for a nuclear-free world.

For more on this topic, please see the Beyond Nuclear International article -- Black Lives Matter, but not to the nuclear industry, and From uranium mining to Covid 19.