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Victory now complete for opponents of Lake Huron radioactive waste dump

"An Ontario nuclear power generating company has officially dropped its pursuit of a deep underground storage facility for low- to intermediate-level radioactive waste within a half-mile of Lake Huron," writes the Detroit Free Press. The withdrawal of the construction application by Ontario Power Generation (OPG) marks the final phase of a hard-fought victory and 16-year struggle to stop an underground dump for so-called low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste on the shores of Lake Huron.

As the Free Press describes it, a critical blow to the dump was struck in January "when the Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON), a local First Nations tribe, overwhelmingly voted against the Deep Geologic Repository in a community referendum. OPG had pledged since 2013 that it would not continue to pursue the project if it did not have the tribe's support."

But, yet another dump is proposed by OPG nearby, just 20 miles inland from Lake Huron -- for all of the high-level radioactive waste across Canada. This time, OPG isn't asking SON's opinion on the matter. So, the fight is again on.

Read the full story.