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Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant in Alabama - Latest Attempts at Circumvention of Law By Nuclear Development, LLC

Thank you to Garry Morgan of BREDL/BEST/MATRR <> for circulating the following message:

Nuclear Development LLC (ND), Franklin Haney and associates, regarding Bellefonte Nuclear Facility attempts to circumvent law, asks the NRC to do the same, in that ND does not have procession of the TVA property, nor control of the nuclear facility. Documentation, request to NRC:   All documentation of the Bellefonte licensing  actions by ND:   Note NRC's reply on August 31, 2020. 

Of note, Bill McCollum, Jr. , ND CEO and CNO is the ex TVA exec which lied regarding costs of Watts Bar unit 2 and began the fiasco with the retaliation toward whistleblowers at Watts Bar and the TVA for safety violation reporting.

[Learn more about Memphis billionaire Franklin Haney's attempts at high-level lobbying of President Trump, and ultra-wealthy investors, for regulatory approvals and financial favors, in order to open the nuclear power plant. Haney retained Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen to carry out the lobbying, as discussed in Cohen's recently published book, Disloyal: A Memoir (The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump), Skyhorse Publishing, September 2020. Haney offered Cohen a $10M broker fee, plus a sizable fifteen percent interest in the company," for his lobbying efforts, Cohen writes. Cohen's lobbying efforts, on behalf of Haney's nuclear power plant scheme, and other clients, was reported about contemporaneously in the news media at the time.]