Image compliments of NIRSThe anti-nuke movement has, by blocking proposed bad dumps, fended off Mobile Chernobyl legislation, session after session, for a quarter-century -- although sometimes by the narrowest of margins! Now, the Democratic U.S. House Environment Subcommittee is reportedly poised to push CISF-authorizing legislation (see related entry), which will likely also be pro-Yucca dump. What can you do? Please contact and urge your U.S. Representative, and both your U.S. Senators, to strongly oppose any bills -- whether authorizing or appropriations -- promoting environmentally unjust, and non-consent based siting, high-level radioactive waste dumps! You can also be patched through to your Members of Congress via the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. If any one of these Southwest dumps opens, in NM, NV, and/or TX, high-risk Mobile Chernobyls would be launched through most states!