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Screen Power Struggle and support Beyond Nuclear

Thanks to Robbie Leppzer, director of Power Struggle, Beyond Nuclear will be the beneficiary of private at home screenings of the film during the month of March.

Almost 10 years ago, as the Fukushima nuclear disaster began to unfold, Vermont citizen activists were engaged in their own eventually successful struggle to close a near identical nuclear reactor, Vermont Yankee.

Now, you can view the film that told their story — Power Struggle — filmed over five years by director Robbie Leppzer, in which activists and local officials challenged the federal government and one of the biggest power companies in the U.S., and won. The film shows how ordinary people, organized in sustained opposition, can make a difference. The film is available for a limited time only (March 1-30).

Click here for the virtual screening. Watch the trailer. Proceeds from the screening will benefit Beyond Nuclear. And look for a feature article about the story behind Power Struggle on Beyond Nuclear International on Monday, March 1. More