NRC file photo of Salem 1 and 2 in s. NJPresident Biden reportedly supports $195 billion in subsidies for 93 dangerously age-degraded atomic reactors across the U.S., as supposed climate emergency mitigation. Ironically, Biden's long-time political power base, Wilmington, Delaware, is very much in harm's way if a breakdown phase disaster occurs 18 miles away, at the three-reactor Salem/Hope Creek nuclear plant in southern New Jersey (pictured). According to NRC's 1982 CRAC-II report, if "just" the 45-year old Salem 1's core melts, 100,000 "peak early fatalities" (acute radiation poisoning deaths) could occur, the worst figure for any U.S. reactor. Seventy thousand radiation injuries, 40,000 latent cancer fatalities, and 367 billion (2020 dollars) in property damage could also result. Urge Biden to change course!