





Nuclear Sites Could Run Out of Critical Supplies

As reported by the Missoula Current. See the second story down the article.

The article reports:

[T]he TVA has worked to adapt to the crisis, including reducing power at some plants. One of its plants, Sequoyah, downsized its refueling crew from 1,000 to 800. No TVA worker had tested positive for COVID-19 as of Thursday.

Regulators also have been scrambling to adapt. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will allow plants to operate with fewer workers on duty for longer hours, said Scott Burnell, a spokesman for the agency, in an email.

Environmental activists say now is not the time to cut corners and risk a nuclear accident. “An accident with a major release of radiation or the threat of it during this time of pandemic and social isolation would be a double whammy,” said Don Safer, a member of the board of the Tennessee Environmental Council, which advocates for renewable energy. “A major evacuation now would be chaos.”

Scott Stapf of The Hastings Group tweeted in response to NEI's letter to DOE:

OUTRAGEOUS: Nuclear industry lobbies Trump Admin for access to gloves, masks & other protective gear needed by frontline health care workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. They are putting the servicing of their freaking reactors ahead of your health.


Trump sees USNS Comfort off as it departs for New York

As reported by The Hill.

Not mentioned in this article though -- and likely not mentioned in any of the current media coverage of the Comfort's deployment to New York City -- is the fact that, for at least a part of its life, the Comfort was anchored very near the long-retired Nuclear Ship Savannah in Baltimore Harbor, Maryland.

Although there have been no reports of radioactive contamination leaking from the Savannah, the reactor internals are still radioactively contaminated, including with some 5,000 gallons of radioactive water that was never removed, as well as radioactively activated and otherwise contaminated metal.

And the Savannah has suffered damage over the decades, including from being swamped by a hurricane, causing significant rust and degradation that has largely to entirely not been repaired.

Beyond Nuclear learned of the Savannah's and the Comfort's close proximity in port, by attending Savannah nuclear decommissioning public meetings nearby, a decade or so ago.


TMI-2 Accident at 41: Public can weigh in on transfer of Three Mile Island's stricken Unit 2 to decommissioning firm

Thank you to Eric Epstein of Three Mile Island Alert (TMIA) for alerting us to this:

As published in the Press & Journal.

Also see two related articles at the bottom of the front page of the Press & Journal: "Watchdog group [TMIA] ready to buy, but it's no 'routine' transaction," and "For sale: TMI heirloom, $2.2 million price tag."

Please take action! Submit a comment, and spread the word, as a way of standing in solidarity with the survivors of the TMI-2 meltdown, on this 41st annual commemoration (March 28, 1979 to March 28, 2020).

Beyond Nuclear was just featured alongside TMIA in the context of "COVID-19 and the Atom" on the Nuclear Hotseat podcast.

Also see this Beyond Nuclear newsletter, and TMI Truth website section, from six years ago, on the 35th anniversary of the TMI-2 meltdown.

And see "Mobile Meltdown: TMI-2 Train Troubles," written by Beyond Nuclear board president Kay Drey, and radioactive waste specialist Kevin Kamps, in 2004, for the 25th annual commemoration of the meltdown. Unfortunately, the article is as relevant as ever, as consolidated interim storage facilities are targeted at New Mexico and Texas, and a permanent dumpsite is targeted at Shoshone land at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Thus, high-risk Mobile Chernobyls would roll by the tens of thousands if any one of these dumps out West opens.


Dave Lochbaum: COVID-19 and the Atom

A message from Dave Lochbaum, formerly of UCS, who is serving as an expert witness in Beyond Nuclear's intervention against the 80-year operations license at Peach Bottom nuclear power plant in PA:

Good Day:

Some thoughts on the potential impact of COVID-19 on nuclear plant safety are provided in the [linked] paper.

Feel free to share as you wish.

COVID-19 is not good for nuclear safety - but there are measures already in place and others that can be readily expanded to minimize its badness.


Dave Lochbaum


OUTRAGEOUS: Nuclear industry lobbies Trump Admin for access to gloves, masks & other protective gear needed by frontline health care workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic

Thank you to Scott Stapf of The Hastings Group, for this most apt tweet:

OUTRAGEOUS: Nuclear industry lobbies Trump Admin for access to gloves, masks & other protective gear needed by frontline health care workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. They are putting the servicing of their freaking reactors ahead of your health.