





Entries from August 1, 2019 - August 31, 2019


Physicians for Social Responsibility lists dozens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing commemorations nationwide

Check for a commemoration event near you, take part, and spread the word to your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors.


US and Russia officially withdraw from INF Treaty

An important treaty signed in 1987, and that for the first time saw an actual reduction in the nuclear arsenals of the US and the then Soviet Union, has now officially ended. Today, the threatened withdrawal from the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty by US president, Donald Trump, and Russian president, Vladimir Putin, became official. Now, the danger of a new arms race on European and Asia soil, once again looms.

The INF Treaty required the US and Russia to eliminate and permanently forswear nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 kilometers. It was signed by then presidents Reagan and Gorbachev (pictured). The INF suspension opens the door for intermediate-range, ground-based nuclear-armed missiles returning to Europe and for US deployment of such missiles in Asia. 

There has been universal opposition to the ending of the INF Treaty among arms control, non-proliferation and peace groups, including Beyond Nuclear. We appeared on The Big Picture decrying this decision, along with the continued intention to spend $494 billion dollars over the next ten years "upgrading and refurbising" the US nuclear weapons arsenal -- code for replacing old missiles, bombers and submarines with new ones.

The timing could not be any more significant, given the cancelation happened within days of the remembrance events for the horrific and needless US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.


Physicians for Social Responsibility lists dozens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing commemorations nationwide

Check for a commemoration event near you, and spread the word to your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors.


Citizens Environment Alliance [of Southwestern Ontario] Mourns Death of Founder

Citizens Environment Alliance

Ric Coronado
1941 - 2019


Citizens Environment Alliance Mourns Death of Founder

With heavy hearts, we inform you of the death of our founder, Ric Coronado on Tuesday July 30th, 2019. He is survived by his son, Derek.

For more than three decades, Ric was a tireless and effective citizen advocate for environmental and labour issues in Essex County and beyond.

[Please see the full CEA tribute, and a note from Beyond Nuclear, here.]


Misuse of thyroid cancer data threatens public health protection

As the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe unfolded in March 2011, experts began studying the impact of radioactivity, particularly radioiodine, on children's health. After Chernobyl, it took nearly a decade for official experts to admit what data were revealing: exposure to radioiodine, one of the nuclides released from nuclear power disasters, increases thyroid cancer. Those who were children at the time of their exposure were particularly vulnerable.

During Fukushima releases, experts had determined that thyroid exposures wouldn't be high enough to dispense potassium iodide to the public for protection. Regarding this decision, one expert uttered "oops" after viewing actual fallout maps. Subsequently, these same experts were put in charge of studies examining radioiodine's impact. Missing and misused, data from these reports are now influencing future international response to radioiodine exposure. More

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